Löydä kaikki Cushion Wholesale Tarpeet - perimmäinen määränpää

Want to wholesale cushion? Want to know more about cushion styles and the differences between different materials? This ultimate solution guide will help you with everything you need to know.

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Exploring Cushion

Common Materials for Cushions

Cushions are available in a wide range of materials, each offering distinct textures, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Common fabrics used for cushions include:

Common Cushion Sizes

Cushions come in various sizes to complement different furniture styles and user preferences. The most common sizes include:

• 40×40 cm (16×16 inches): A compact size perfect for smaller chairs and accenting larger pillows.
• 45×45 cm (18×18 inches): One of the most common sizes, ideal for most sofas and armchairs.
• 50×50 cm (20×20 inches): Slightly larger, this size works well on sectional sofas or as a statement piece.
• 30×50 cm (12×20 inches) (Lumbar): Ideal for support, lumbar pillows are often placed in the center of sofas or as an added layer to a larger pillow set.

Different Techniques Used in Cushions

Cushions can be made using a variety of techniques to enhance their aesthetic appeal:
Digital printing

Factors Affecting Cushion Pricing

Material Quality: High-end fabrics can increase the cost of pillows. The higher the weight of the fabric, the more expensive it is.
Design Complexity: Pillows with intricate embroidery, appliqué, or beaded details tend to be priced higher due to the labor and skill involved.
Size: Larger pillows often cost more because of the amount of fabric and material required.
Filling Type: Higher-quality pillow inserts, such as down feathers or memory foam, can also raise the price.

Cushion Inserts

The choice of material for the cushion insert (filling) significantly affects comfort, durability, and cost:
Non-woven with PP fiber
Polyester with PP fiber
Polyester with down
Polyester with feather
The size of the pillow insert should generally match the dimensions of the pillow cover, with a slight overfill to ensure a plump, full appearance. Common insert sizes include:

• For a 40×40 cm (16×16-inch) cover, a 45×45 cm (18×18-inch) insert is recommended to achieve a full look.
• For a 45×45 cm (18×18-inch) cover, use a 50×50 cm (20×20-inch) insert.
• For a 50×50 cm (20×20-inch) cover, a 55×55 cm (22×22-inch) insert will create a more voluminous pillow.
• For a 30×50 cm (12×20-inch) lumbar cover, a 35×55 cm (14×22-inch) insert will provide the right balance of support and fullness.

Räätälöidyt räätälöintipalvelut

Tarjoamme yksilöllisiä räätälöintipalveluja vastaamaan ainutlaatuisia tarpeitasi. Räätälöidyistä malleista räätälöityihin pakkauksiin, tiimimme on omistautunut toteuttamaan visiosi.
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